Hooray For Spring
Originally uploaded by iceberg273.
Yay, tulips.
a mo-pho-to-blog.
There is a town in this forest (and it is not a forest).
This is a sort of flowering pear? It makes the campus smell like it has put on too much perfume.
Fifth floor library at IUSB, looking away from the books.
It is a lecture in a classroom. I sit in the back. Knowledge should be properly aged before you perceive it.
My bookshelf, it is organized using the technique of stratigraphic filing.
The snow is mostly on the east side of trees and other objects, except where the snow has melted and dripped down the back of my neck.
Fifteen hours ago, I was mowing my lawn. Inconceivable.
Today's weather is atypical. Therefore, there should be school closure. At least it feels that way.
The lawn also contains enormous numbers of maple tree seedlings.
Meanwhile, clover abounds in my lawn, but it is too cold and wet to deal with it.
This is a convoluted cactus. What is its name? I do not know.
This lizard is not this small, but it is this far away and this colorful.
The Alaskan brown bear is bigger and faster than the grizzly. Roarrrr.
These ducklings are not part of a zoo-funded species survival program. But they are small!
It is a bonobo. Behind glass. Symbolic of something, no doubt.
The spectacled bear does not actually wear spectacles. But this is obvious.