Punch fountain!
Originally uploaded by iceberg273.
It bubbles.
a mo-pho-to-blog.
The had cream is passionfruit, and I an eating it.
In Puerto Rico, statues signify things. Also, they are on hills.
An inversion says you will go no further, Mr. Cloud.
Promethea silkmoth. To find such a thing by chance is a rare and fortunate experience - they only live for a week. More pictures later tonight from the better camera.
No rain. I think the cirrus blowing off the upstream storms killed whatever forcing we were getting. From daytime heating. Alas.
UPDATE (6/27): Meh. This is probably altostratus and mixed stratocumulus and pannus since it came from thunderstorm breakdown. I am not good at identifying clouds without the guides yet.
Why do you crouch on the sidewalk? This is madness! (Do not worry, it flew into a tree with some encouragement.)
I just experienced a full three seconds of cloud induced shade.
It's hard to see, but those are the first substantial daytime heating clouds in half a week, thanks to this blocking high.
The skies are not angry, but they are perturbed.
The crookedness of this tree is an inspiration to all of us.
How do trees end up like this? It is an arboreal mystery.
Could it be from an alternate universe where the dominant lifeform has a prehensile tail?
The lawn toad appreciates neither mower nor camera. It also has the ability to vanish.
Lamium thrives in the shade when tended by people who forget to water it. These conditions are present on the north side of the house.
Yesterday, they cut down the tree on the left.
These fungi were gone the next day. Is it bad to have fungi growing in a maple tree? Because they are decomposers.
The cars back in, and stop before they fall fifteen stories. The Chicago downtown requires it.